Hurricane Victim Help

“There has to be a better plan after a hurricane.”

“We’re supposed to be on a priority list, and help never comes to the nursing homes when the power is out after a hurricane.”

Dozens of assisted living facilities across Florida lacked electricity in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, and several were forced to evacuate. The scramble forced workers to rely on emergency stocks of popsicles and ice to try to keep patients cool while an alternative to the stifling heat in facilities. The untenable situation left nursing home residents across the state in distress and hospital admissions and, unfortunately, deaths did result.

It is true that some hardship is expected in the aftermath of a hurricane, but older people are more susceptible to heat as their bodies are unable to adjust to temperatures. The imperiled elderly are also more likely to take medications which have an adverse affect on body temperature. Death by hyperthermia is all too often the result.

There are facilities who have done well after the hurricane, requesting the assistance of officials to help handle medical emergencies and evacuate residents to facilities with power. Other Florida facilities failed their population and all too often the same nursing homes had a record indicating state deficiencies. The nursing homes responsible for deaths were documented to have problems pertaining to exits, generators and fire extinguishers. Documented issues make it obvious that involved nursing homes did not care for their elderly residents like they were family.

If Hurricane Irma has left you with sincere concerns abut the safety and wellness of a relative, or you have sadly dealt with the passing or hospitalization of a relative, we can help you pursue a legal claim. Someone needs to answer for dropping the ball and we can help you seek a response.

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Romanucci & Blandin, LLC – 321 North Clark | Street Suite 900 | Chicago, Illinois 60654Call Us: 877-880-4861

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